Tuesday, 6 May 2008

The Mac in the Gray Flannel Suit (2)

In the last post, I was talking about what I believe the next 3 to 5 years will have in store for us - business-wise. I talked about what I think is the start of the iPhone phenomenon in the entreprise.

In this post, I will resume by talking about the Server world.

Server world

  1. Leopard server being Apple's first really serious alternative to Microsoft servers (SBS, or other), the next release of OS.X server  - perhaps released by the end of this year, but most probably some time in 2009 - will be aggressively positioned to conquer the entreprise by offering: greater integration of PC's into Open Directory, native or quasi native support for Outlook client (mail AND calendar), entreprise-level Time-Machine backup facility, easy access to groupware from Windows Mobile, web access to personal calendar, entreprise management of iPhones, etc
  2. Ubuntu will gain such a momentum that it will soon climb up the Linux ranks  to become the de-facto Linux distribution (like it did with the desktop). Ubuntu's partnership with Dell will help Dell's server systems switch from Windows to Linux in a significant measure, and gain interesting market share (HP should follow suit)
  3. Microsoft might buy Zimbra, as it is today the biggest threat to their Exchange supremacy. They might use the Zimbra client to incorporate it into their next version of Windows as the default email client, and tightly integrate it to their Microsoft Live offering. Zimbra server technology will help them rebuild Exchange from scratch, getting rid of their database paradigm that is so penalizing to Exchange performance, and changing the licensing scheme to be more on par with the the rest of the industry prices. Microsoft will stop development of Zimbra to platforms other than Windows, quoting "a focusing of resources", etc
  4. Google Apps for Business and Zoho will gain a lot more interest from SMEs to the point of causing real disruption to the business app manufacturers, with MsOffice starting to see significant slide in profit, and servers shifting from internal resource to outsourced
It is generally agreed that customers are getting really unhappy with Microsoft licensing schemes. Even a 'simple' product like SBS - which a small business may be interested in - usually comes with 5 user-licenses only, pushing the customer to purchase additional license for every new user/PC, to the limit of 75 users; at this point the organization has to migrate to full versions of Server 2X + Exchange 2X + Sharepoint 2X + SQL Server 2X, with all its issues added to the dangers of integration, of having multiple servers, etc.

I believe that the increase of iPhone and Mac sales in the entreprise - as witnessed recently and well documented - will get many CIOs and senior executive to ask their IT department to look at Apple server. I think that the decision makers out there will be more interested than ever in the real ROI, cost saving per user, and growth capability. Hardened Windows-only ICT Managers will find it harder and harder to defend their 'cheaper administration, cheaper administrative staff' stance, as a couple of Xservers can easily replace two or three Windows server in performance and scalability, for a drastically lower cost.

The rise of Ubuntu is a given. Whether the distribution is better or worse than other more established names is quite irrelevant here. Ubuntu is the name that is irresistibly growing. On the net - except for paid search - it comes first in Linux search, and also Linux server. For the anti-Mac clan, Ubuntu will be a credible alternative. I expect the company to come up with significant partnerships and announcements that will see it get even more positive publicity than today. Dell is already a partner and will be eager to expand its range into the server market for a very compelling price while keeping good margins. Dell only need a couple of high profile sales to see interest in its Ubuntu offering grow significantly.

Although all the talk is on Microsoft mesh, Live, and other on-line acronyms, Exchange/Sharepoint and Office are his bread and butter business. I concede that Microsoft buying Zimbra may be hard to believe for some, but I think that would be a smart move on their part: Zimbra has now a substantial user-base, it has a first class AJAX client - that Microsoft staff like, as disclosed in other blogs earlier on - and has a very modular architecture (zimlets); the server communicates with Outlook, has hooks for VOIP, is very fast and scalable, can be hosted, and is taking business away from Exchange. In truth, Exchange cannot really compete with Zimbra, because it is a dog to run, has a so and so management tool set, and Zimbra has an incredibly talented and forward thinking team of designers and programmers. It's a no-brainer.

Google Apps for businesses is a very nice product. You can assign your domain name to it, you can manage groups, users, email addresses, sharing, and other useful things using an easy interface, from anywhere in the world. Your users can use the built-in word processor, spreadsheet, and presentation applications, and save them in multiple formats (PDF included), or you can use your company's applications (MsWord, OpenOffice, iWorks, etc.). You can create a customized 'portal', multiple group calendars, and a chat network. An you are not platform limited; you can enter data from IE7 on a tablet-PC, modify a document from a Safari on a Mac or Firefox on a Linux PC. I think that it has all the functionalities that 75% of people will ever use. The tipping point will be when third party developers or Open Source programmers will start using Google Gear and the APIs to get their applications to integrate with Google Apps in a big way. I see this happening within the next 2 years, under the impulse of an aggressive Google. A typical small businesses only has to look after a gateway device (with DHCP), a cheap firewall, a good broadband SLA, and a few cheap PCs to get, and keep, going. The savings are impressive, and for disaster recovery you can keep going from anywhere!

In the next post, we will look at the Desktop arena...

What do you think?

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